In Fairbanks, it is illegal to give beer to a moose. ARIZONA In Phoenix, the law states that every man who enters the city limits must wear pants. In Hackberry, there is a law that prohibits women from eating raw onions while drinking buttermilk on Sunday. ARKANSAS It is illegal to mispronounce the name of the state of Arkansas while within the state. The state legislature passed a law that the Arkansas River can raise no higher than the Main Street bridge in Little Rock. CALIFORNIA It is illegal to eat oranges while bathing. Selling a gold piece without tooth marks in it is considered forgery. The city of San Francisco holds a copyright on the name "San Francisco." It is illegal to manufacture any item with the name without first getting permission from the city. Since the Supreme Court upheld the copyright, San Francisco has had an annual $300 million surplus every year. FLORIDA Walking topless within a 150 foot zone between the beach and the street is prohibited. It is illegal to jog with your eyes closed. KANSAS In Kansas City, saying the name "George Washington" without adding the phrase "blessed be his name," can land you with a fine of up to fifty cents. KENTUCKY It is illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket. MICHIGAN An old statute in Flint, compels dentists to offer a slug of whiskey with no additional charge to said patient. NORTH CAROLINA In Raleigh, before a man asks for a woman's hand in marriage, he must be inspected by all the barnyard animals on the young woman's family's property, to ensure a harmonious farm life. OREGON In Willowdale, no man may curse while having sex with his wife. |