It’s Spring Again
The Earth having slumbered Is beginning to stretch and yawn Light and warmth are returning And we can see patches of lawn
There is an overlapping of birds Before the winter ones fly away There is a delight of new songs As the spring birds come back to stay
The trees that shuddered And dropped all their leaves down Are starting to form new buds New life is appearing all around
Springtime triggers renewal For the Earth and us alike As new growth covers the land Hope in us begins to spike
As much as I get tired of winter I appreciate I live in a place That has tangible season changes And all these feelings I can embrace.
Sandra J. Wilson nee Haley ~ February, 2022 |
Remembrance Day
They marched into service With pride in their hearts Knowing that the work they would do Would protect those they love at home
They marched into battle With bullets flying all around Knowing that as soldiers They may not make it home
They march now in our memories As we think of the sacrifices they made Knowing that they stood for us all Abroad and here at home
They march forever in our hearts As we remember them today For their bravery and their sacrifice Much gratitude from my home.
Sandra J. Wilson nee Haley ~ November, 2021 |
For Kayleigh
Life is a game With lessons to learn And for each lesson A quarter is earned
And with each quarter You can play once more And follow the path You were always meant for
But sometimes the game Isn’t as easy to play you run out of quarters and you lose your way
But all is not lost The game doesn’t end The level just took you Where you didn’t intend
So just get to work Earning quarters anew And then that level You can make it through
Sandra J. Wilson nee Haley ~ October, 2021 |
Labour Day
Too much work and too little sleep Caused workers to take a stand Eight hours for work, for rest and for play Was the answer to their demands
And still we celebrate The better conditions that were given Although we still should wonder Is this really considered living?
There are still many changes needed To this system created long ago As the world changes so should systems Change, adapt and grow
And as we take a break today To think of those who once fought We should also look at the system And give it even more thought.
Sandra J. Wilson nee Haley ~ September, 2021 |
Why I write
I write because my feelings get knotted up inside The words I write often help get that knot to untie.
I write because there are stories that are filling up my head Stories I think with lessons that are important to be said.
I write because its something I know just how to do And something, since a child, I always wanted to pursue
I write because I want to share a little part of me Who I am and what I hope, others can strive to be.
I write because my passion, is to show the power of word Which, when used properly, can inspire when it is heard
I write because I need to, it is a driving force It's not just a path to follow, it is my life's course.
Sandra J. Wilson nee Haley ~ September, 2021 |
| Wildlife Day
Living free with the laws of the land Then threatened by the humans’ hands
These animals deserve to survive Not die because someone wants their hide
Eliminated because we want their home Because we are not happy with the space of our own
These creatures who have no voice These creatures who haven’t a choice
Deserve our respect and our concern Still so much people have to learn.
Sandra J. Wilson nee Haley ~ September, 2021 |
Joy, Hate, Division
Joy, I’m trying to hold on to it tight Hate, the darkness is trying to dim my light Division, everyone deciding who’s wrong and who’s right Words, being used as weapons to start a fight
Overwhelmed, as my thoughts continue to reel Exhausted, is how my whole being feels Confused, not knowing what’s made up and what’s real Kindness, will always be my appeal.
Sandra J. Wilson nee Haley ~ September, 2021 |
To understand their needs and views
When we know better, we do better At least that’s how we should grow But change seems difficult for some No matter what we now know
In a world where we hope for equality We must put ourselves in other’s shoes To feel things as they may feel it
Sandra J. Wilson nee Haley ~ February, 2020 |
Pink Shirt Day
Because of that black eye Today I choose to wear pink Because of those nasty words I encourage you to think
Is what you say something You would want said to you And that which you take part in Is that the right thing to do?
Bullies come in all sizes They are both young and old It is easy to be mean to someone But it takes courage to be bold
So stand up for kindness Don’t let others beat you down Encourage acceptance of others And spread that love around!
Sandra J. Wilson nee Haley ~ February, 2020 |
Looking Forward
As I look forward I am blinded by the light But is it from an explosion? Or is my future really that bright?
There is so much uncertainty When I try to look ahead I don't know whether to run away Or simply just bury my head
But if I really think about it About what my future can hold It isn't about what is happening Or what lies are being told
My future is what I make it What I focus my life to do It is about the actions I take And how I get myself through
And so I choose to see The light I look toward As a symbol of hope in the future And a beautiful world restored.
Sandra J. Wilson nee Haley ~ February, 2020 |
Our Protectors
The boys in blue are protecting you From things that go bump in the night The boys in blue investigate A neigbourhood quarrel or fight
The boys in blue keep trying To rid our streets of crime The boys in blue are working To make our world benign
But who protects the boys in blue From the things that go bump in the night And who will investigate When they are injured in a fight
We must protect our protectors That are working night and day We must let them know that we care They are out there day after day.
Sandra J. Wilson nee Haley ~ October, 1984 |